infolink in SEO-logy SEO-logy
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

infolink in SEO-logy

Advanced Integration

With Infolinks Advanced Integration, you can have complete control over the look and behavior of In-Text ads on your websites. For quick & easy basic control on the In-Text ads on your website, we recommend that you use the 
Advanced Integration Wizard

However, if you prefer modifying the actual code, you can do that by simply customizing and configuring various parameters of the Infolinks JavaScript. This customization enables you to optimize the user experience and maximize your revenues.

These customizable parameters or variables (vars) are defined within a multi-line statement inserted into the JavaScript within the website's HTML.

In the example below you see the different vars added within the Infolinks Java Script:

Look & Feel Parameters

The following parameters enable you to control the color scheme of the Infolinks in-text ads on each page of your website, as well as the content in their resulting ad bubbles. Colors are represented by RGB Hex codes. For example, to represent the color Red
you would use 'FF0000', making sure the value is surrounded by apostrophes.
Additional RGB Hex color codes examples:

Orange Red = 'FF4500'
Orange = 'FFA500'
Indigo = '4B0082'
Dark Green = '006400'
Blue = '0000FF'
Navy = '000080'

Visit Wikipedia for more information on mapping colors to their equivalent RGB Hex codes.

Infolinks Wsid, website id var: infolink_wsid

This var is used by accounts with multiple websites. When the script is called this var determines which website settings to apply on the page and where to count the impressions, clicks and revenues.

Infolinks Link Color: infolink_link_color

The infolink_link_color var defines the color of the text and double underline hyperlinks for all keywords or phrases that have been converted into Infolinks in-text Links on a web page. The default value is set to: infolink_link_color = '009900';

Infolinks Ad Title Color: infolink_title_color

The infolink_ad_title_color var defines the color of the title in the Infolinks in-text ad bubble. The default value is set to: infolink_title_color = '252667';

Infolinks Ad Text Color: infolink_text_color

The infolink_ad_text_color var defines the color of the main text in the Infolinks in-text ad bubble. The default value is set to: infolink_text_color = '000000'.

Infolinks Ad Link Color: infolink_ad_color

The infolink_ad_link_color var defines the color of the advertiser's URL that appears in the Infolinks in-text ad bubble. The default value is set to: infolink_ad_text_color = '24951E';

Behavior Parameters

The following parameters enable Publishers to customize the behavior of the Infolinks in-text ads on each page of their website, including their content and display setting

Number of Infolinks Ads per Page: infolink_anow

The infolink_anow var defines the maximum number of words or phrases that may be converted into Infolinks in-text ads on a single page of a publisher website. The more text in the page the more in-text ads you can mark. For example, to limit the number of Infolinks ads to 5, the value is set to Infolink_anow = 5;

Publisher Content Category: infolink_cat

The infolink_cat var enables the publisher to specify a category that best describes the content of their website. While this parameter is optional, specifying the proper content category can significantly improve the relevancy of the Infolinks in-text ads on the webpage.

For example, to set your category to sports use: infolink_cat = 'Sports'

Possible content categories include:

Kids & Teens

Double or Single Underline Hyperlinks for Infolinks Ads: infolinks_double_underline

The infolinks_double_underline var defines whether to use single or double underline hyperlinks for all keywords or phrases that have been converted into Infolinks in-text ads on a web page. Setting the parameter to "true" will cause double underline hyperlinks. Setting the parameter to "false" will cause single underline hyperlinks. The default value is set to: infolinks_double_underline = true;

Infolinks Ads Placement Control: <!--INFOLINKS_ON--> and <!--INFOLINKS_OFF-->

The <!--INFOLINKS_ON--> and <!--INFOLINKS_OFF--> placement tags enable the publisher to control which areas of the web page will display Infolinks in-text ads and which areas will not. Inserting an "On" comment tells the Infolinks algorithm to search that section of HTML normally for ad phrases. Inserting an "Off" comment tells the Infolinks algorithm to skip forward through the HTML to the next "On" comment or to the end of the code - whichever comes first.


Related Tags:

Related tags allow you to increase your clicks and earnings while adding valuable informational tags within your website’s content.

The Infolinks algorithm will choose the best keywords for the page and display them as tags within the Related Tags cloud.

  • book summary
  • ice and fire
  • fantasy books
  • free book summaries

Just like In text ads, when a visitor hovers over the tags, an Infolinks advertisement bubble will appear, and each click will award your account additional revenues.

The tags placement is set by the location of the following html tag:

Simply add the tag to the page code where you want the related tags cloud to appear.

The tag requires the Infolinks script to be integrated in the page; the script will identify the tag in the code and insert the related tags.

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