Backlink SEO-logy
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Domain Name, Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Content Links, Sitemaps, Natural Listings, Backlinks, the name is SEO-logy
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Backlink easy it is to address your website or blog which is located on another website or blog. The number of backlinks is one indication of the popularity of a web page or blog. backlinks outline consists of three kinds of one way backlinks , Two-way backlinks, and Three-way backlinks.

One way backlinks
is if you put a link to your blog or website address in your blog or website belongs to someone else and that other person does not require you to put a link to their site on your pages. One way backlinks is preferred by search engines google, because a website or blog is considered popular.

Two-way backlinks
is a system whereby both parties get a link from each site. usually referred to as the exchange of links.

Three-way backlinks
usually this is done by a special site that will submit your site to site third-party sites. provided that you have to put first links the site belongs to someone else in your site first.

That glimpse of the function of


in SEO-logy